Drinking coffee in moderation may reduce men's sexual incompetence

A new study has shown that men who drink two or three cups a day can make toys male strength and reduce disability, sexual well.

A new study just released this week by the Health Sciences University of Texas (University of Texas Health Science) has found that men who consumed coffee in between 85 to 170 milligrams a day can reduce erectile dysfunction to 42 percent compared to men who did not drink coffee at all.

The above findings, explaining that caffeine makes powerful muscles in the penis to relax and also to facilitate the movement flow blood to the penis quickly, causing the male libido, sexual energy and penile aggressively.

The study used data from the Survey results national examination on the subject of health and nutrition, focusing on the issue of male impotence. However, this finding does not refer to the source from coffee, but also studied the other sources that contain caffeine, such as: soda and energy drinks (Sports Drink).
Drinking coffee in moderation may reduce men's sexual incompetence Drinking coffee in moderation may reduce men's sexual incompetence Reviewed by meng hong on 6:48:00 PM Rating: 5
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