Benefits of the mangosteen

Eating fruits really benefit greatly benefit krasakrai for health and beauty also has the ability to cure disease. Here are the benefits from the consumption of mangosteen: 1. Vitamin Cmangosteen 

is rich in vitamin C, 12% in the amount of 100 grams (1 bit) of mangosteen. Vitamin C is against viruses and bacteria, such as flu. So we should be drinking mangosteen to fight diseases. 2. Typical fiber-rich mangosteen has a sweet but it turned load levels low in calories, only 63 calories per 100-gram quantities of meat mangosteen can not cause obesity. Moreover And it not only contains low in calories, it is also rich in fiber, high-benefit to maintain physical health, not fat.
Benefits of the mangosteen Benefits of the mangosteen Reviewed by meng hong on 8:53:00 PM Rating: 5
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